Unlock the Mystery: Why the Limit of |x+1|/(x+1) is Elusive

Unveiling the Paradox: Why the Limit of |x+1|/(x+1) Appears

x Substituted Fraction (|x+1|/(x+1)) Result of |x+1|/(x+1)
-0.9 |-0.9+1|/(-0.9+1) 1
-0.99 |-0.99+1|/(-0.99+1) 1
-0.999 |-0.999+1|/(-0.999+1) 1
-0.9999 |-0.9999+1|/(-0.9999+1) 1

The table shows that as x gets closer to -1 from the right-hand side, the value of |x+1|/(x+1) approaches 1.

Unlocking the Enigma: The Limit of |x+1|/(x+1) as x Nears -1 from the LHS

x Substituted Fraction (|x+1|/(x+1)) Result of |x+1|/(x+1)
-1.1 |-1.1+1|/(-1.1+1) -1
-1.01 |-1.01+1|/(-1.01+1) -1
-1.001 |-1.001+1|/(-1.001+1) -1
-1.0001 |-1.0001+1|/(-1.0001+1) -1

The table shows that as x gets closer to -1 from the left-hand side, the value of |x+1|/(x+1) approaches -1.

Domain of the Function |x + 1|/(x + 1)

  • Interval Notation: (-∞, -1) ∪ (-1, ∞)
  • Set-Builder Notation: { x ∈ R : x ≠ -1 }
  • In Words: All real numbers except x = -1