🧮 Discover the Equation: √(x²) = |x| 🚀

Relationship Between √(x²) and |x|

These equations are equivalent, representing the same relationship:

√(x²) = |x|

Table of Points:

x √(x²) |x|
-3 3 3
-2 2 2
-1 1 1
0 0 0
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3

As shown in the table, for any real value of x, √(x²) is equal to |x|, demonstrating their equivalence.

These equations form a V-shaped graph along the x-axis.

Graphs of √(x²) and |x|
The graphs of √(x²) and |x| are representations of mathematical functions with distinct characteristics:
Graph of √(x²):
Calculates the square root of x², always resulting in non-negative values.
Forms a V-shaped graph along the x-axis.
Vertex at the origin (0,0) and extends infinitely in both directions along the x-axis.
Graph of |x|:
Represents the absolute value of x, which is always non-negative.
Also forms a V-shaped graph along the x-axis.
Vertex at the origin (0,0) and extends infinitely in both directions along the x-axis.
Both functions yield the same result for any real value of x, resulting in identical graphs.