Unlock the secrets of double integrals!

Another Simple Example of Double Integral Evaluation

We aim to evaluate the following double integral:

∫₀¹ ∫₀¹ (x + y²) dy dx

Step 1: Integrate with respect to \( y \)

First, we focus on the inner integral, which is with respect to \( y \):

∫₀¹ (x + y²) dy

This simplifies to:

x[y]₀¹ + [y³/3]₀¹ = x(1 – 0) + (1/3 – 0) = x + 1/3

Step 2: Integrate with respect to \( x \)

Next, we integrate the resulting expression with respect to \( x \):

∫₀¹ (x + 1/3) dx

Applying the power rule for integration, we get:

[x²/2]₀¹ + [x/3]₀¹ = 1/2 + 1/3 = 5/6

Final Result

The value of the double integral is \( 5/6 \).

Yet Another Simple Example of Double Integral Evaluation

We aim to evaluate the following double integral:

∫₀² ∫₀¹ (2x + 3y) dy dx

Step 1: Integrate with respect to \( y \)

First, we tackle the inner integral, which is with respect to \( y \):

∫₀¹ (2x + 3y) dy

This simplifies to:

2x[y]₀¹ + 3[y²/2]₀¹ = 2x(1 – 0) + 3(1/2 – 0) = 2x + 3/2

Step 2: Integrate with respect to \( x \)

Next, we integrate the resulting expression with respect to \( x \):

∫₀² (2x + 3/2) dx

Applying the power rule for integration, we get:

2[x²/2]₀² + 3/2[x]₀² = 2(2 – 0) + 3/2(2 – 0) = 4 + 3 = 7

Final Result

The value of the double integral is \( 7 \).