Quiz Question 1: Concept of Long Call Options

Question: What is the primary advantage of buying a long call option compared to buying the underlying stock?

  1. A) Unlimited downside risk
  2. B) Lower upfront capital with limited risk
  3. C) The option gains value only if the stock price decreases
  4. D) You receive dividends from the underlying stock

Quiz Question 2: Understanding the Shape of a Long Call P/L Graph

Question: Which of the following best describes the shape of the P/L graph for a long call option at expiration?

  1. A) A straight line sloping upwards from zero, starting at the strike price
  2. B) A flat horizontal line below zero until the strike price, then a line sloping upwards
  3. C) A U-shaped curve with the lowest point at the strike price
  4. D) A line that starts above zero and slopes downward as the stock price increases

Quiz Question 3: Delta and the P/L Graph of a Long Call Option

Question: How does the delta of a long call option change as the stock price moves from far below the strike price to far above the strike price?

  1. A) Delta starts at 0, increases to 0.5 at the strike price, and approaches 1 as the stock price rises further
  2. B) Delta is always 1 regardless of the stock price
  3. C) Delta is negative for stock prices below the strike price and becomes positive for prices above the strike price
  4. D) Delta remains constant at 0.5 throughout

Quiz Question 4: Theta and Its Impact on a Long Call Option

Question: How does the passage of time (theta decay) affect the P/L graph of a long call option before expiration?

  1. A) The P/L graph shifts upward as time passes, regardless of stock price movement
  2. B) The P/L graph shifts downward as time passes, especially for at-the-money (ATM) options
  3. C) The P/L graph remains unchanged because theta does not affect the option’s value
  4. D) The P/L graph shifts downward only if the option is in-the-money (ITM)

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Quiz Question 5: Reading the Intrinsic Value on a Long Call Option Graph

Question: On a graph showing the intrinsic value of a long call option, which part of the x-axis represents the region where the option has zero intrinsic value?

  1. A) The region to the left of the strike price
  2. B) The region to the right of the strike price
  3. C) The entire x-axis
  4. D) The point where the stock price equals the strike price