To find out how much sugar is needed for 14 cookies when 1 1/4 cups are needed for 20 cookies, you can set up a proportion.

First, express 1 1/4 cups as an improper fraction, which is 5/4 cups.

The proportion would be:

(5/4 cups) / 20 cookies = x cups / 14 cookies

Cross-multiplying, you get:

(5/4) * 14 = 20 * x

Simplifying, x = (5/4) * (14/20) = (5/4) * (7/10) = 35/40 = 7/8 cups

So, you would need 7/8 cups of sugar for 14 cookies.

To find out how much sugar is needed for 14 cookies when 1 1/4 cups are needed for 20 cookies, you can set up a proportion.

First, express 1 1/4 cups as an improper fraction, which is 5/4 cups.

The proportion would be:

(5/4 cups) / 20 cookies = x cups / 14 cookies

Cross-multiplying, you get:

(5/4) * 14 = 20 * x

Simplifying, x = (5/4) * (14/20) = (5/4) * (7/10) = 35/40 = 7/8 cups

So, you would need 7/8 cups of sugar for 14 cookies.