Equation: 3/5 * (x + 4/3) = 1.04

Step 1: Distribute the Fraction:

3/5 * x + 3/5 * 4/3 = 1.04 – Here, we’re multiplying both terms inside the parentheses by 3/5.

Step 2: Simplify the Fraction:

3/5 * x + 4/5 = 1.04 – We simplify 3/5 * 4/3 to 4/5.

Step 3: Subtract 4/5 from Both Sides:

3/5 * x = 0.24 – We’re isolating the variable by moving constants to the other side of the equation.

Step 4: Multiply Both Sides by 5/3:

x = 0.4 – We multiply both sides by 5/3 to solve for x.


The solution to the equation 3/5 * (x + 4/3) = 1.04 is x = 0.4.

You are correct. The equation is 3/5(x+4/3)=1.04.