Learn how to simplify complex mathematical expressions step-by-step. In this guide, we break down the expression (x⁵)(2x)⁵ / x⁵. We’ll walk you through each step, from expanding terms to combining and simplifying exponents, to help you understand how to arrive at the simplified expression, which is 32x⁵.




Simplifying the Expression \( \frac{(x^5)(2x)^5}{x^5} \)

Math Step Explanation
\( \frac{(x^5)(2x)^5}{x^5} \) Start with the original expression.
\( \frac{(x^5)(32x^5)}{x^5} \) Expand \( (2x)^5 \) to \( 32x^5 \).
\( \frac{32x^{5+5}}{x^5} \) Combine the exponents in the numerator by writing them as \( 5+5 \).
\( \frac{32x^{10}}{x^5} \) Simplify the exponent in the numerator by adding 5 and 5, resulting in \( 32x^{10} \).
\( 32x^{10-5} \) Divide the exponents by writing them as \( 10-5 \).
\( 32x^5 \) Simplify the exponent by subtracting 5 from 10, resulting in \( 32x^5 \).


The simplified expression is \( 32x^5 \).