What is 75% of 90? – Solved Using Proportion

Objective: To find what number is 75% of 90 using a proportion.

Step 1: Set up the proportion

Let \( \frac{75}{100} \) represent 75% and \( \frac{x}{90} \) be the proportion we are looking to solve.

Step 2: Cross-multiply

Cross-multiply the terms to get \( 75 \times 90 = 100 \times x \).

Step 3: Solve for \( x \)

Multiplying, we get \( 6750 = 100x \). Dividing both sides by 100 gives \( x = 67.5 \).


The number that is 75% of 90 is \( 67.5 \).

what number is 75% of 90? 
What number: x
"is" becomes the = symbol
75% becomes .75
of becomes multiplication