1. Original Statement:
“Two times the sum of a number and five is 54.”

2. Identify the Unknown:
The unknown is the number we’re trying to find. Let’s call it x.

3. Translate “Sum of a Number and Five”:
The phrase “sum of a number and five” translates to “x + 5”.

4. Translate “Two Times”:
“Two times” means we multiply by 2. So, “two times the sum of a number and five” becomes “2(x + 5)”.

5. Translate “Is 54”:
“Is” in math usually means “equals,” so “is 54” translates to “= 54”.

6. Construct the Original Equation:
Putting it all together, we get “2(x + 5) = 54”.

7. Solve the Equation:
– First, distribute the 2 to both x and 5: “2x + 10 = 54”.
– Next, subtract 10 from both sides to isolate “2x”: “2x = 44”.
– Finally, divide both sides by 2 to solve for x: “x = 22”.

8. Final Result:
The number is 22.

So, the number you’re looking for is 22.

I apologize for the oversight. Let's try this again in plain text.

1. Original Statement:  
   "Two times the sum of a number and five is 54."

2. Identify the Unknown:  
   The unknown is the number we're trying to find. Let's call it x.

3. Translate "Sum of a Number and Five":  
   The phrase "sum of a number and five" translates to "x + 5".

4. Translate "Two Times":  
   "Two times" means we multiply by 2. So, "two times the sum of a number and five" becomes "2(x + 5)".

5. Translate "Is 54":  
   "Is" in math usually means "equals," so "is 54" translates to "= 54".

6. Construct the Original Equation:  
   Putting it all together, we get "2(x + 5) = 54".

7. Solve the Equation:  
   - First, distribute the 2 to both x and 5: "2x + 10 = 54".
   - Next, subtract 10 from both sides to isolate "2x": "2x = 44".
   - Finally, divide both sides by 2 to solve for x: "x = 22".

8. Final Result:  
   The number is 22.

So, the number you're looking for is 22.