Unlocking the Secrets of f(x) = x²(x-1): A Comprehensive Visual Guide

Unlocking the Secrets of f(x) = x²(x-1): A Comprehensive Visual Guide

Key Features of the Graph

  • Roots: The function has roots at x=0 and x=1.
  • Multiplicities: The root at x=0 has a multiplicity of 2, causing the graph to “bounce” off the x-axis at this point. The root at x=1 has a multiplicity of 1, causing the graph to cross the x-axis at this point.
  • End Behavior: As x approaches negative infinity or positive infinity, the function also approaches negative or positive infinity, respectively.

Why the Graph is Flatter at x=0

The graph appears flatter at x=0 due to the higher multiplicity of the root at this point. A higher multiplicity often results in the graph “slowing down” as it approaches the root, making it appear flatter.

Visual Characteristics

The graph starts from the third quadrant (bottom-left), “bounces” off the x-axis at x=0, dips back into the third quadrant, and then rises to cross the x-axis at x=1 before heading towards positive infinity.

The “bounce” at x=0 is more pronounced and flatter than the linear crossing at x=1 due to the higher multiplicity of the root at x=0.

Interpreting the Graph

The graph’s behavior is heavily influenced by the multiplicities of its roots. The “bounce” at x=0 and the linear crossing at x=1 are direct manifestations of these multiplicities.

Zooming In: The Intricacies of f(x) = x²(x-1) Around x=0

Root and Multiplicity at x=0

The function has a root at x=0 with a multiplicity of 2. This multiplicity causes the graph to “bounce” off the x-axis at x=0 rather than crossing it.

Why the Graph is Flatter at x=0

Due to the higher multiplicity of 2 at x=0, the graph “slows down” as it approaches this root. This makes the graph appear flatter at x=0.

Visual Characteristics Near x=0

The graph emerges from the third quadrant (bottom-left), approaches x=0, and “bounces” off the x-axis. It does not cross the x-axis but instead reverses direction, heading back into the third quadrant.

Table of Values Around x=0

x x-1 f(x) = x²(x-1)
-0.1 0.01 -1.1 -0.011
-0.01 0.0001 -1.01 -0.000101
0 0 -1 0
0.01 0.0001 -0.99 -0.000099
0.1 0.01 -0.9 -0.009

Interpreting the Behavior

The “bounce” at x=0 is a direct manifestation of the root’s multiplicity of 2. The graph’s behavior around x=0 is heavily influenced by this multiplicity, causing it to reverse direction at this point rather than crossing the x-axis.