Functions: definition, sets, creating, evaluating, set-builder notation, interval notation, number lines

Functions Defintions Vertical Line Test Domains Applications

Class Notes: Section 2.2/Functions

Notice: It’s getting to be flu/cold season. If you’re coughing a lot, please cover your mouth or wear a mask.


A function is a set of points such that the first member of each point is unique.

Example 1:

f = { (1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6) }, 1 ≠ 3 ≠ 5 so f represents a function.

Range: R = {2, 4, 6} (y-coordinates)

Domain: D = {1, 3, 5} (x-coordinates)

Example 1 (Book):

x, y: 2, 11; 2, 10; 3, 8; 4, 5; 5, 1 -> 2 repeats! This set of points is NOT a function.

Example 2:

Does x² + y = 1 represent a function?

Solve for y: y = 1 – x²

For x = 1, y = 0 (1, 0)

For x = -1, y = 0 (-1, 0)

1 ≠ -1, so x² + y = 1 is a function.

Example 2 (b):

-x + y² = 1

y² = 1 + x

y = ±√(1 + x)

For x = 3 (random value), y = ±2. We get (3, 2) and (3, -2). Single x (x=3) corresponds to two values of y. So, -x + y² = 1 is not a function.

Vertical Line Test:

When a graph intersects a vertical line ONLY ONCE, the graph represents a function. This is called the Vertical Line Test.

Advanced Function Concepts

Vertical Line

Not a function because we have (x, y₀) and (x, y₁). Both points have the same first member, x.

Function Notation

Input: x, Output: f(x), “f of x”

Point forms: (x, y), (x, f(x)), so y = f(x) = output!

f(x) = 1 – x²

x = independent variable, f(x) is the output

1 – x² is how you find the output!


Example 3 in book: g(x) = -x² + 4x + 1

g(2) = -1 × (2)² + 4 × 2 + 1 = -4 + 8 + 1 = 5 (output)

Point form: (2, 5)

3(b): g(t)

Every x gets replaced with t (on LHS and RHS)

g(t) = -t² + 4t + 1

3(c): g(x + 2)

Every x gets replaced by x + 2

g(x + 2) = -(x + 2)² + 4 × (x + 2) + 1

Expanded: -x² + 5

Finding Values for Which f(x) = 0

f(x) = -2x + 10

Setting f(x) equal to 0, -2x + 10 = 0

x = 5

Point: (5, 0)

5 is called the “zero” of the function, not because it’s 0, but because it makes y come out to be 0!

Example 7: Domains of Functions

f(x) = √x, x ≥ 0 ⟵ Inequality Form

Domain: [0, ∞) ⟵ [ because of the = part, infinity is a concept, not a number, so always )

Examples: √0.2, √0.001, √4, √10000343 (Not allowed here: √-5)


(b) g(x) = 1/(x + 5)

1/0 ⟵ not allowed here!

x + 5 ≠ 0 ⟵ x ≠ -5

Number Line: -∞ … -5 … ∞

Interval Notation: (-∞, -5) ∪ (-5, ∞)

Set-Builder Form: {x | x ≠ 5}

“Condition” in math means either true or false.

(c) h(x) = √(4 – 3x)

In general: √expression (expression is whatever≥0)

4 – 3x ≥ 0 ⟵ Apply definition of domain for square root functions

-3x ≥ -4 ⟵ x ≤ 4/3 ⟵ Inequality Form

Set-Builder Form: {x | x ≤ 4/3}

Verbalize as “set of all x such that x is less than or equal to four-thirds”

Picture Form: -∞ … 4/3]

Interval Form: (-∞, 4/3]

Example 8: Container Dimensions

Type: Right Circular Cylinder

Geometry: Circle Base, Lateral Area

V(r) ⟵ “V of r”

V = volume of can = amount of 3D space an object takes up!

Formula: V(r) = πr²h


  • r = Radius
  • h = Height

Ratio of height to radius is 4: h/r = 4 ⟶ h = 4r (Given)

V(r) Calculation:

V(r) = πr²(4r) = 4πr²r = 4πr³ ⟵ Only r remains!

Physical Interpretation:

  • Can r = -0.1? No, not physical.
  • Can r = 0? We can measure 0, but there is no physical object still.
  • r > 0 ⟶ Then we have a real physical object we can hold.
  • Interval for r: (0, ∞)